Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yegge does it again

Another great post by Steve Yegge Condensed

Build something you want and/or need:

"You don't need an original idea to be successful. You really don't. You just need to make something that people want"

"In any event, originality is overrated"

A successful product comes down to execution and execution comes down to passion which stems from giving a damn about what you are doing.

If you don't have anything you really want or need, then:

"Don't gather business requirements: hire domain experts."

I actually disagree with this a bit. If you don't have something you want or need, then listen to your friends, colleagues, or family that give a damn but are missing one critical ingredient, ie a great ruby programmer. In my opinion, there is usually no need to hire the domain expert, they are all around you...

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